What to Do in an Emergency Dental Situation

The American Dental Association estimates that over two million Americans have some type of dental emergency every year. dental emergencyUnfortunately, many of these cases are treated at emergency rooms in hospitals instead of at the dentist's office by skilled dental professionals. Thankfully an emergency dentist is available at Dental Associates of Shelton in Shelton, CT. Be prepared and aware of what you should do in the case of a dental emergency.

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?
Generally, any oral care related issue that brings you excessive discomfort, could cause tooth loss, or that can cause more serious symptoms to develop is considered an emergency. One example is a knocked out tooth—a common sports-related injury. It can often be restored if the patient is seen by a dentist urgently. Another example is a throbbing toothache, which often can be cured with root canal therapy. 

What You Should Do
The first thing to do in a dental emergency is to keep the affected area clean and clear of food particles. Stop any bleeding by pressing gauze against the gumline for up to 15 minutes. Gargle with warm salt water. If there's swelling, place an ice pack over your cheek. Try to carefully reinsert a (clean) knocked out tooth or place it in milk to bring to the dentist. Retrieve any chipped tooth matter and take it to the dentist. Finally, make sure you call Dental Associates of Shelton in Shelton, CT to schedule an urgent visit to the emergency dentist on staff.

Avoiding Emergencies in the Future
Here are a few tips on how to reduce the chance of future dental emergencies:

- Keep your teeth clean, especially after eating sugar-filled foods or beverages, to avoid dental decay.
- Wear a mouth guard when playing sports.
- Ask your dentist about preventative treatments that can strengthen and protect your teeth.

No More Waiting - See an Emergency Dentist
The team at Dental Associates of Shelton in Shelton, CT. They understand that some dental concerns can't wait. Call (203) 924-4115 today to schedule an emergency visit with Dr. Michael Caserta or Dr. Adrian Basu.